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Covid 19 Protocol: FAQ


Here at Enriching Minds Preschool (EMP) we are dedicated to the Health and safety of all children, adults and staff members. We are aware that our small group environment provides a comfort to parents as an alternative to larger preschool options with bigger ratios and a constant influx of new children. We have put in place the following safety protocols to keep everyone safe and give our families peace of mind.

Children showing signs of dry cough, fever of 100.4 or greater, lethargic behavior, flu like symptoms, sore throat, loss of taste or smell or any other COVID-19 symptoms, shall be picked up immediately and will need to be 24 hrs symptom-free before returning.

Visiting tours will need to be scheduled for new parents.

All toys, shelves, counter tops will be sanitized and disinfected daily.

Parents will be asked to present plans of travel when leaving for vacation outside of the country.

If any member of the EMP family (parent, child or staff) tests positive for COVID-19 or is presumed positive, that person will be required to quarantine for 3-5 days or until a negative test is presented. In the case of more than 2 children confirm Covid positive we will close the school for 3 days for a cleaning and distancing to avoid the chance of spreading the virus.


As time passes and things shift, these safety measures may loosen or tighten. We are closely following the government’s ongoing rules and regulations and plan to follow them as they apply to child care.

We hope you found these FAQs helpful. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

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